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Memorable Sensory Experience
28 min. MSE is about creating unique poly-sensual experiences for your customers. Discover how adding and enhansing the 7 “senses” can add unique value to your offering. (Watch Preview Video to the left and see description below for more detail)
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28 Minute Video Tutorial Emotions and Senses play a huge role in the decisions customers make when considering alternatives. MSE (Memorable Sensory Experience) is about creating poly-sensual experiences for your customers. This technique, used in Step 4 of our Systematic Innovation Process, explores 7 potential senses to incorporate, modify or enhance in some way to make the customers experience with your product or service even better. The more senses you incorporate the more memorable the experience. Understanding of the 7 areas and proactive integration of these senses (when appropriate) has a big impact on customer choices and loyalty. Adding extra intelligence into your product (like sensors that communicate needed information to the customer) or improving the sound experience of your product are two areas to consider for an enhanced customer experience. Whether you decrease the sound, make it a more appealing frequency, or add the ability to hear things you never knew were possible (See pic of snorkel with bone conducting technology – listen to music without speakers in a snorkel or a GPS that has custom voices or a bottle of wine that has a very elegant pouring sound) Extra Intelligence and Sound enhancement are only two of the seven senses that should be considered. If it is true that 95% of a decision is at the subconscious level, product development teams must learn how to tap into this through sensory cues. Think of some of the most successful products and companies in the world and you will find offerings that create a great experience for their customers. Remember, understanding of the 7 areas and proactive integration of these senses (when appropriate) has a huge impact on customer choices and loyalty when done right.
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Inventive Thinking Situations | "WOW" customers / Differentiate your offering, Increase the top line with new ideas, Understand "Future Customer/Market Needs", Identify Growth Opportunities |
Systematic Innovation Steps | 1 – Voice of the Customer, 4 – Idea Generation |
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