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Attribute Dependency
(24 min. video) Attribute Dependency takes you to new and interesting places you may never find using conventional thinking. It systematically helps to create new features, characteristics, or properties that improve Value for your Customers. It does this by creating new (or removes old) dependencies (relationships) between existing product attributes and the environment in which your product or service operates. It flips the classic “Form follow Function” logic, and instead uses the “Function follows Form” process to create novel ideas. This is a 24 minute Video Tutorial. (Watch Preview Video to the left and see description below for more detail)
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[24 minutes] Attribute Dependency is about the creation or removal of new dependencies (relationships) between existing product attributes or properties and the environment in which it operates. Attribute Dependency cleverly flips the classic “Form follow Function” logic and instead uses the “Function follows Form” process to create novel ideas. Inventive thinking involves doing things in unconventional ways by linking internal and external characteristics, parameters or attributes. It is a 5 step approach used in step 4 of our Systematic Innovation Process. In this video tutorial, learn step by step how to create new and novel configurations to find new customer benefits. Also learn about Passive, Active, and Automatic Dependencies.